Turning Points

Turning Points
Women in Transit

Edited by Rhona Lopa-Macasaet
Published by Anvil Publishing, Inc. 
Copyright © 2011
ISBN 978-971-27-2611-8

Written in a varied range of voices (some humorous, some wistful, some with the faint murmurings of disquiet), these essays, as the title suggests, speak of passages, a literal or figurative going somewhere, a passing through to get there. They speak of “turning points,” those pauses in a life when choices are made and life suddenly veers off in new and surprising trajectories. They speak of change, not all the time apparent. For sometimes the change is simply a realization, a dawning in the mind of “what is” versus “what could (or should) be.” This realization can happen with the lucid clarity of a light-bulb-moment, a mind-blowing instance of “eureka.” At other times, it manifests itself as nothing more than a soft, unexpected blow to the heart. But, whatever the case, the “I” in all these essays becomes always transformed. Wiser, of course; more hopeful, perhaps, and unafraid. And poised, once again, to move on. 
— Rhona Lopa-Macasaet, 2011

Contributed Articles

pages 3-10
Purchase Writing from the Mall
pages 17-22
pages 61-70
pages 156-167

Contributed Articles

pages 3-10
Purchase Writing from the Mall
pages 17-22
pages 61-70
pages 156-167

The National Book Development Board 
and Manila Critics Circle present
The 31st National Book Awards
Old Senate Session Hall
National Museum of the Philippines
City of Manila
17 November 2012

Turning Points – Finalist for Anthology, English Category

Visit National Book Development Board's website for more details about the annual National Book Awards.
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